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Sunday Worship:
10-11 AM (in the church auditorium, upper-level entrance)

Each Sunday service is designed to be a healing service, including hymns, a scriptural selection, prayer, a solo, and the reading of a Bible Lesson-Sermon. Silent prayer in the church is offered for the congregation collectively, and many people comment on the inspiration that comes to them in this peaceful atmosphere of love. 


The Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by church Founder Mary Baker Eddy, together serve as  our pastor. The service is conducted by lay readers elected from the membership, who read passages from these two books.

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The Bible Lesson itself is available for study during the week. The same Lesson-Sermon is read each week in all Christian Science churches around the world, in a variety of languages.



Wednesday Testimony Meetings:
7:30-8:30 PM (in the Sunday School, lower-level entrance, or by Zoom)

Our midweek meetings include hymns and passages on a timely topic, read aloud from the Bible and Science and Health. The second half of the meeting is a time when participants share their experiences of prayer-based healing and inspiration, thus helping one another to grow spiritually.

Testimony meetings

Wednesday Meetings Available Remotely By Zoom
(for those unable to attend in person)



(Note: If your computer does not have a microphone, you’ll only be able to listen. You can hear the services clearly, but you won’t be able to testify on Wednesdays)

  • Click this single link OR

  • Go to the Zoom website (, select “JOIN A MEETING” and continue using the Meeting ID 208-100-7777 and password 7880.

  • Click JOIN and use your computer’s audio.



  • Dial 1-301-715-8592 (alt. possibility 929-205-6099)

  • When prompted, enter the Meeting ID followed by the # symbol: 208-100-7777#

  • Press # again when asked for the Participant ID (you don’t have/need a participant ID – just press # after the prompt)

  • When prompted, enter the following password and the # symbol: 7880#

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