Events & Resources

The speaker, Mark McCurties, from Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a Christian Science healer and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.
Right out of college, he spent a number of years working with young people as an athletics coach, camp director, and experiential educator.
Mark will discuss how the power of God’s love is the greatest practical change agent making a positive difference in our lives, communities, and the world.
Meaningful Change For Ourselves and the World
Yes, these are definitely challenging times! We need answers that unite, heal, and restore.
So, what can we each do? Changing our thinking about ourselves and others is a good starting point. Seeing everyone as part of one family – God’s. Treating others as we wish to be treated. Then we find restoration and even healing for ourselves, communities, and our world.
To support positive and healing change of thought, we invite you to this free talk.
Sunday March 10 at 2pm at the church
100 Nelson Street, Rockville, MD 20850
Parking is available, and child care will be provided.

Bible Study
This is the first tenet of Christian Science stated by Mary Baker Eddy: “As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life.” Participants in our Bible Study group seek to gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures through focused study of selected Bible texts using various Bible translations and commentaries, discussing and sharing the results of their research.
Anyone can join the group at any time. The chapters for study are announced here three or four weeks in advance, and Bible study resources can be found in our Christian Science Reading Room as well as online. We generally meet once per month via Zoom.
Next session: 7 pm, Thursday, February 15, on Psalms 37-41.